OutlDD: Drag&Drop from Outlook to Java
Version 2.0.25DEMO
OutlDD License Key: to develop and distribute software with OutlDD.
OutlDD License Key Inclusive C++ Source Code: to develop and distribute software with OutlDD, inclusive C++ source code.
License in short terms: This license allows all developers of your enterprise to work with OutlDD. You are allowed to incorporate OutlDD into all of your software products and distribute it in compiled form (NOT THE SORUCE CODE) with this products to an unlimited number of customers. This license prohibits the usage in products used for software development, like IDEs.
German: Lizenzbestimmungen in Kürze: Die Lizenz erlaubt allen Software-Entwicklern des Unternehmens mit OutlDD zu arbeiten. Es ist gestattet, OutlDD in alle Softwareprodukte des Unternehmens zu integrieren und OutlDD zusammen mit diesen Produkten in kompilierter Form (NICHT ALS SOURCE CODE) an eine unbegrenzte Zahl von Endkunden auszuliefern. Die Lizenz verbietet die Verwendung in Produkten zur Softwareentwicklung, wie beispielsweise IDEs.
Apply license key as described in readme.txt
Customer Experience
"Many thanks - will do release tomorrow. Great software.", Wai Pang from CREDIT AGRICOLE S.A. wrote on 2012-05-31
OutlDD has been successfully integrated in software applications at: Kashrus Development LLC, ABACUS Research AG, CargoSoft GmbH, First Businesspost GmbH, LS Canada Inc, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, H. Essers & Zohen Internationaal Transport, censhare AG, CREDIT AGRICOLE S.A., and more.